What do Quilt Kits Usually Include?

Quilt kits typically contain the basic things needed to make a quilt, such as the pattern and fabric, but often not everything needed to complete the project. Quilt kits are designed to speed up the often long and elaborate process of making a quilt. The fabric in a kit usually comes cut into the proper size and shape so that all the quilter needs to do is sew the pieces together.

Using quilt kits can save the quilter the frustration of having to select and match fabrics for the quilt. The kits often include several fabric designs, usually from the same designer and line of fabric. Some kits may mix and match designs from different fabric lines. Usually, the fabrics are picked out by a person with plenty of experience in and knowledge of coordinating fabrics and quilt making.

The pattern for the quilt is also usually included in a quilt kit. The pattern tells the quilter the proper way to lay out the cut pieces of fabric and how to go about sewing the fabrics together. While quilt kits are typically designed to make a quilt of a certain size and only contain enough fabric to make that size quilt, a quilter can use the pattern to make any size quilt as long as she has the proper amount of fabric.

Occasionally, a quilt kit will also contain the binding or bias tape that the quilter needs in order to finish the edges of the quilt. However, not all quilt kits contain binding, and a quilter may have to purchase it separately. The quilter may also have to purchase the backing fabric for the quilt separately or as its own kit. The fabric for the back of the quilt is usually either a solid or a single design that coordinates with the quilt top. It generally consists of multiple yards cut into large pieces to completely cover the back.

In order to successfully complete a quilt, the seamstress usually needs to purchase supplies, such as thread, batting and needles, in addition to the basic kit. Equipment, such as a quilting sewing machine, may need to be purchased as well. Quilt batting can be made of several different materials, depending on how warm the quilter wants the quilt to be. While a sewing machine designed specifically for quilting makes finishing the quilt easier, some seamstresses find that using a regular machine with a quilting foot attachment works well enough for them. Other quilters prefer to piece the quilt top together and then send it out to be quilted by a professional.