What Does a BPO Operations Manager Do?

An operations manager for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is often in charge of overseeing all commercial operations. To put it another way, these managers interact with primary clients to ensure that outsourced processes meet their quality and efficiency requirements. Another important responsibility of a BPO operations manager is to plan for long-term expansion. He or she may also be in charge of managing and communicating with vendors, particularly software providers.

When a business owner decides that hiring a third party to perform business processes will benefit him or her, he or she may hire a BPO company. Customer service, information technology (IT) troubleshooting, and document processing are all services provided these businesses. Client companies benefit from BPO services because they can result in lower costs and less complex infrastructure systems.

Individuals who work as these types of managers frequently have a bachelor’s degree in a subject like management or finance. They should also have at least five years of management experience in a BPO firm. An operations manager should have strong leadership abilities, advanced communication skills, and strategic thinking abilities.

A BPO operations manager ensures that all processes are completed in a timely and efficient manner. In order to carry out these responsibilities, he or she may be required to oversee vendor deliveries and inspect equipment for quality. An operations manager may also monitor general operations to ensure quality.

A BPO operations manager should look for growth opportunities in addition to ensuring that daily operations run smoothly. He or she can work with market analysts to learn about profitable BPO services for competitors, as well as new markets where his or her company can begin to market services.

Another important concern for a BPO operations manager is risk management. There is a risk associated with any step toward expansion. An operations manager might consult with consultants to figure out which economic, social, and political factors could jeopardize the operations of his or her company. After receiving relevant intelligence and a thorough analysis, a BPO operations manager can meet with executives to determine the best course of action for the company.

A BPO operations manager is in charge of change management when an organization expands. The process of overseeing the implementation of new software and practices is known as change management. He or she may also collaborate with process managers to develop new guidelines and practices. During a change process, an operations manager’s primary focus might be on employee training and assessment.