What Does a Communication Lead Do?

A communication lead is the person in charge of a company’s marketing and communications planning and creation. Internal and external communications for a business include emails, advertisements, manuals, letters, website content, and other verbal and written forms of communication. All forms of communication are managed the lead.

Meeting with team leaders in each area or department of a company is one of the primary roles of a communication lead. During these meetings, the lead collaborates with the other team leaders to identify the department’s communication needs. The lead also assesses the consistency and effectiveness of existing communications. The lead suggests tweaks or changes to the current communication strategy in order to improve or replace it.

Following these meetings, the lead develops a communication strategy. The plan specifies which communications must be developed and created, as well as how they will be distributed and when they will be distributed. This plan is used as a guide for implementation the communication lead.

For instance, the lead may decide that an email marketing campaign is required. After that, the lead will work to hire a freelance copywriter to write the email’s text. He or she will also collaborate with the in-house graphic designer to create the email’s layout. The lead then supervises the two professionals’ work, ensuring that the text is incorporated into the design and that the email is delivered to the database manager for distribution to the intended recipients.

A communication lead is also in charge of evaluating the effectiveness of the company’s internal and external communications. The lead then suggests and recommends changes, if any, to improve the effectiveness of the communication, based on the results of each campaign.

Other issues that the director of communications deals with on a regular basis are branding and messaging. He or she goes over all of the communications to make sure the brand and messaging are consistent.

Finally, the lead is responsible for all aspects of the company’s communication and marketing and reports to the CEO. Communication is one of the company’s departments that works with all of the other departments, including sales, finance, production, and others. This is why the communication lead meets with the heads of all departments and reports on the progress of the company’s communication efforts to the CEO.