What Does a Corporate Videographer Do?

A corporate videographer is responsible for a variety of video documentation tasks related to an employer’s business operations. These professionals frequently work on video projects for both internal and external clients. The corporate videographer’s specific role varies depending on the needs of the company, but the professional is usually the point person for capturing video when it benefits the company.

Some corporate videographers specialize in recording meetings and internal conferences. To get good video and audio recordings, the video professional can use a variety of A/V tools. These services can be useful for corporate record-keeping as well as other purposes such as videoconferencing. Troubleshooting videoconferencing is an example of an auxiliary task for a videographer who spends the majority of his or her time producing edited video for an employer.

The corporate videographer is in charge of creating video content for an online e-commerce catalog in some e-commerce businesses. Short videos on consumer products or other retail topics are common in e-commerce projects. The corporate videographer may also be in charge of converting traditional video formats into web-based videos. This can include adding short descriptions or captioning to videos, as well as writing text tags for HTML or web meta tags as needed.

Public relations is another major focus for some corporate videographers. These individuals may be in charge of filming events in order to portray the employer in a positive light. For example, if a company has a social or non-profit component, the corporate videographer will frequently be asked to record community events that will help the company gain exposure. A corporate videographer may also record public events organized by the company for the purpose of customer outreach or networking. For example, it’s not unusual for a videographer to accompany executives on a long road trip designed to establish a brand or product in specific communities.

The videographer may have additional responsibilities in addition to recording and working with A/V equipment. These may include junior staff training, scheduling shoots, and casting for a variety of company video projects. The videographer may also work as part of a general administrative department, answering job-related phone calls or emails and establishing connections with vendors or clients as needed.