A dock worker, also known as a longshoreman, loads and unloads cargo from ships onto trucks or railroad cars while also inspecting the cargo’s contents. He can move the materials with specialized heavy equipment or hand with the help of other dock workers. He could work as an independent contractor or for a stevedoring or shipping company that unloads ships.
A dock worker is usually required to inspect the cargo and containers as they arrive in port before unloading them. For each shipment, he usually has a packing list on which he notes any opened containers, damaged goods, or other discrepancies. The information is entered into computerized handheld devices a large number of dock workers. To properly complete the shipping and receiving paperwork, knowledge of local and regional transportation rules is frequently required.
If the person is loading a shipment for transportation, he should be familiar with packing procedures. To prevent shifting during transport, these methods typically include properly stacking goods. He might also have to sort the goods according to the shippers’ instructions. The packages and containers are usually secured with cables and ropes.
A dock worker commonly uses a winch to safely and efficiently transfer containers between the ship and the transporting vessel. The containers are securely grasped and moved with ease and speed this equipment, which uses large pincers. Larger containers may require slings to be placed around them for added stability, which is usually done other dock workers. Dollies, handcarts, and pallet jacks are commonly used to transport smaller containers.
The dock worker usually has the trucker or rail operator sign off on the shipment as received and complete once it has been loaded onto a truck or rail car. This document usually absolves the employee of all responsibility from that point forward. The trucker or operator is then responsible for delivering the goods to the specified location.
Good physical health, stamina, and strength are usually required for success in this position. Authenticating shipments and their condition usually necessitates meticulous attention to detail. This job necessitates a lot of teamwork. Math skills are frequently required in order to calculate container capacities and convert specifications to the local weights and measures system.
To be considered for this position, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent. It is strongly recommended that you have prior experience in cargo handling or warehouse operations. Dock workers may be required to be certified to operate some heavy equipment in some areas.