What Does a Fiberglass Laminator Do?

A fiberglass laminator creates components for boats, golf carts, and automobiles applying fiberglass to a mold. The fiberglass laminator ensures that all areas of the mold are covered in a sufficient amount of resin-saturated, fiberglass matting to provide the desired strength of the finished component, using a tool called a chop gun or her hands to press the resin-saturated, fiberglass matting into the mold. The fiberglass laminator’s other job is to press out all of the air bubbles and air pockets from the fiberglass matting so that the mold can produce a solid sheet of fiberglass. Mixing the resins, removing the cured product from the mold, and trimming the pieces to a finished size are among the other tasks.

Fiberglass is a lightweight, strong material that is used to make boat hulls, decks, and interior panels, as well as golf cart bodies, race car components, and aircraft components. A common fiberglass component is made placing a resin-soaked fiberglass mat inside a mold and curing or hardening the fiberglass. The fiberglass is removed from the mold once it has hardened, and a finished piece is created. The fiberglass laminator’s job is to make sure that all of the steps are followed in order to create a strong, safe, and high-quality component.

The hand-laying method and the chopper gun method are the two most common ways to make a fiberglass panel or component from a mold. A fiberglass laminator applies resin to a section of fiberglass matting and places it in a specific location within the mold to complete the hand-laid fiberglass method. This procedure is repeated until the mold is completely covered in the desired thickness or layers of fiberglass mat.

The air bubbles in the mold are removed the fiberglass laminator running a squeegee or a roller over the panels. Any trapped air is moved from the center to the mold’s outer edge. The fiberglass laminator will place strips of wood or aluminum in the final layers of fiberglass to act as strengtheners when the fiberglass cures in order to reinforce many types of fiberglass components.

A pneumatic chopper gun is used in the second method. This tool, which works similarly to a paint gun, shoots small pieces of fiberglass matting along with a fine stream of resin. The fiberglass laminator directs the chopper gun toward the mold, allowing the material to build up to a uniform thickness inside. After any bracing materials have been placed in place, more material is applied over them. As with the hand-laid method, the air bubbles are removed the fiberglass laminator pressing the air out of the fiberglass with a squeegee or a roller.