A field trainer instructs workers on how to do their jobs on the job. In most cases, this type of skill development is done in addition to classroom training. Field training is used in jobs where there is a functional gap between theoretical knowledge of job requirements and practical application of skills. Field trainers fill in the gaps by guiding workers in real-world scenarios.
There is a significant difference between learning how to do a job in a classroom and actually doing it in practice for some jobs. A pilot, for example, can study the process of flying a plane, but knowledge gained from a book is not the same as experience gained from actually piloting an aircraft. An airline would almost certainly never put a new pilot in a plane without first giving him hands-on experience flying the plane under the supervision of a more experienced pilot. The situation’s stress could easily fluster the new pilot to the point where he forgets the majority of what he’s learned. The presence of an experienced instructor in the cockpit ensures that the pilot is assisted in acclimating to the position.
A type of supervised internship that medical students and newly licensed doctors go through as they transition into their profession is another example of field training. The field trainer is a seasoned physician who oversees the interns’ work and signs off on their diagnoses and treatments. It is his responsibility to ensure that the interns learn how to practice medicine rather than just study medicine. Real-world factors that cannot be captured in a book frequently separate theory and practice.
When a job requires a structured training program, the title of field trainer is commonly used. In many cases, the field trainer rotates between different work sites, evaluating staff performance in real-world situations and providing additional group and one-on-one training to bring performance up to par with expectations. Franchises are a good example of how a field trainer title is used. A franchise’s corporate office will frequently hire field trainers to work with franchisees in their locations to ensure that operations follow the corporate model.
A field trainer can specialize in any type of on-the-job training from a functional standpoint. The job is as varied as the need to ease employees into specialized functions. Field trainers are used by intelligence agencies and the military, as well as small businesses and large corporations, in operational areas ranging from manufacturing to sales. In fact, any type of job training that includes a classroom component can also include a field component that gives field trainers opportunities.