What does a Financial Planning Manager do?

A financial planning manager creates and implements a sound financial planning system that gives a company or organization the tools it needs to assess its financial health. This person uses a variety of metrics to track historical financial trends. This person’s job description includes identifying future trends, developing a strategic response, and evaluating financial objectives.

The planning manager leads a team of employees tasked with developing financial strategies in larger organizations. This group establishes financial priorities and has an impact on decision-making at the highest levels of the company. The financial planning manager creates a transparent system to facilitate accounting and internal review. This person is in charge of making financial data easy to read and understand for others in the organization.

The financial planning manager is in charge of the annual operating procedures and budgetary process’ strategic planning. He or she calculates and establishes a spending budget for the company that will be followed throughout. This employee is in charge of compiling financial data into a report and presenting it to his or her company’s executives. This person may also be responsible for relaying important financial data to shareholders at appropriate meetings.

A planning manager collaborates with others in the company to develop a sound investment strategy. He or she is in charge of providing investment advice and insight specific to the organization’s needs. This employee examines the financial implications of a merger or capital restructuring. When developing a financial blueprint for his or her company, this person assesses the potential financial impact of such changes and takes them into account.

A financial planning manager’s job description calls for someone who can collaborate effectively with an organization’s accounting, treasury, and tax departments. This person ensures that all financial departments are working with the same internal financial data and toward the same objectives. To coordinate these efforts among different departmental entities, this employee must have excellent communication skills.

The financial planning manager usually works under tight deadlines to ensure that all financial objectives are met on time. He or she is in charge of keeping track of cash flow and ensuring that the company’s accounting reflects a consistent effort to stick to a financial plan and budget. Each year, this employee adjusts financial planning and goal-setting to reflect the organization’s growth. This person is ultimately in charge of ensuring that his or her company’s finances are in good shape.