A forensic biologist applies biological principles to law enforcement issues. Forensic biologists work with a wide range of substances and samples in the lab and in the field, from DNA evidence that needs to be identified to animals that need to be necropsied as part of an investigation. Forensic biologists work for government agencies, private labs, universities, and consulting firms, and have degrees in forensic science or biology with a concentration in forensics.
Forensics can use a variety of disciplines from the field of biology. A forensic botanist, for example, works with plant evidence ranging from samples of plant material found on a victim that may lead investigators to the crime scene to tree growth tracking that may reveal how long a skeleton has been buried in a shallow grave. In the field and in the lab, forensic botanists work with pollen, flowers, and leaves.
Bugs are the focus of forensic entomologists’ work. Forensic entomology is a relatively new field that gathers data about crimes by studying the life cycles of bugs. A forensic biologist who specializes in entomology can assist investigators in determining the time of death and the location of a body. They can also contribute other useful items to the team, such as screening insects collected from a body for toxins to check for signs of toxins that may have been present in the body when the insects began feeding.
A forensic biologist isn’t just interested in assisting in the investigation of human crimes. Some specialize in tasks such as identifying parts of endangered species and collaborating with law enforcement agencies to stop the trade in endangered animal bones, skin, fur, and feathers. Forensic biologists can also help with the investigation of suspected animal poisonings and abuse, collecting evidence from the animal and the crime scene, and they can help with the investigation of suspected disease outbreaks in animal populations that could endanger animal or human health.
A forensic biologist can examine biological evidence such as skin, hair, teeth, and blood samples to learn more about the victim. Forensic biologists, like forensic chemists, can perform DNA analysis. A forensic biologist can also supervise the collection of biological evidence from persons of interest in a crime, as well as participate in or conduct autopsies for the purpose of gathering information about the manner and time of death of someone who has died.