What does a Gerontologist do?

A gerontologist is a doctor who specializes in the study and treatment of conditions associated with the aging process. He or she usually works with elderly patients to better understand the biological aspects of aging as well as the various medical and social issues that older people face. Some professionals conduct in-depth laboratory research on diseases and aging in general, while others provide direct patient care in hospitals and nursing homes. A gerontologist may also get involved in advocacy or public policy work to help improve elderly health care services.

Gerontology is a specialty of many clinical and research laboratory scientists. To better understand the biological processes that lead to aging, they conduct laboratory experiments and organize longitudinal studies. A research gerontologist might look into living tissue to learn more about cellular development and aging, as well as how to slow mental and physical deterioration. To determine the efficacy and safety of new medications, scientists test them on laboratory animals and clinical trial participants. Researchers’ efforts are critical in the development of new and better treatment methods for the elderly.

A gerontologist who specializes in geriatric medicine can also become a licensed physician. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and osteoporosis are all common conditions that doctors diagnose and treat in elderly patients. They prescribe medications and educate patients on how to cope better with age-related issues. A gerontologist may schedule physical therapy sessions or routine checkups to track a patient’s progress over time. Doctors also offer advice to a patient’s friends and family, as well as information on how they can assist in the care of their elderly loved one.

Some seasoned gerontologists volunteer to help with education and awareness campaigns. Experts in sociology, psychology, and medicine have identified the most common issues that elderly people face. Gerontologists publish educational books and pamphlets, hold doctor clinics, and speak to the general public to raise public awareness about issues. Many gerontologists are actively involved in raising funds for Alzheimer’s disease and related conditions research.

Government positions in the field of gerontology are critical in the development of administrative policy. These experts conduct research on issues that affect senior citizens, such as health care and public services, and provide policy recommendations to politicians. They frequently conduct surveys, compile statistics, and compile detailed reports on the quality of services provided to the elderly in their communities. These gerontologists advocate for improved regulation of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, as well as resource allocation for underfunded programs.