Someone who manages a Human Resources Information System is known as an HRIS analyst. An HRIS analyst’s job is to gather data and present it to other employees in the form of reports and recommendations. Employee productivity, attendance records, salary information, and workforce development are among the types of information gathered. As an HRIS analyst, proper organization and presentation of all aspects of HR functions is critical to your success.
The HRIS system is a collection of computer software programs used by human resources (HR) departments to manage payroll and employee data such as benefits. It could also be a component of other software that a company uses for a variety of internal operations. As a result, most analysts sign strict confidentiality agreements when they start working.
HRIS analysts are typically expected to be able to collaborate with other human resource employees and information technology departments in order to provide the information they require. This information will aid the information technology department in providing the appropriate resources to employees, as well as any necessary project or equipment upgrades. These reports may be used by other departments to make operational changes or to ensure that the company is following human resource laws.
In a large company, the HRIS analyst may focus on a specific aspect of the human resources data. He might be in charge of keeping track of information about employee benefits, productivity, and training. In these cases, there is usually a team of analysts, each with a different area of expertise.
In order to do a good job, an HRIS analyst needs to have education and experience in information technology and human resources. She should also be able to communicate effectively with other employees. In order to obtain information about workplace conditions, the analyst may need to interview employees directly. Interpersonal and communication skills aid the analyst in obtaining the data she requires to compile accurate reports.
Entry as an HRIS analyst assistant may be available through the company’s HR divisions or as a type of internship for college graduates. Before being promoted, an assistant usually spends 12 to 18 months learning job duties and techniques from the lead assistant. During this time, the future HRIS analyst will learn software program skills, communication skills, and data filing skills.