What Does a Jewelry Consultant Do?

A jewelry consultant is a person who sells jewelry on their own, without the use of a storefront or any other permanent location. Instead, this person will sell jewelry through catalogs and, more often than not, hosting jewelry parties where a group of people can view and try on the jewelry in person. Many people use part-time jewelry consultant jobs as a way to supplement their income. Though these individuals are classified as independent contractors and do not receive benefits or other perks, it can be a good way to supplement your monthly income.

Typically, a jewelry consultant will join a larger company to sell jewelry. The consultant will sign a contract to sell jewelry made a specific company in exchange for a percentage of the profits from each sale. This allows the jewelry consultant to keep a large amount of stock on hand at all times for a very low initial investment. Many of the more reputable countries will not require any initial investment and will instead allow consultants to begin selling from a catalog. They may be given sample jewelry to show and sell once they have established themselves.

There are several options for selling jewelry in this manner. Most consultants will begin selling from a catalog, which they may send to a small group of friends and colleagues who are then free to place an order. Hosting jewelry parties is another, more effective method. A jewelry party will be hosted the jewelry consultant, who will invite a number of friends and/or coworkers to see some of the jewelry, try it on, and make purchases. To make the parties more enjoyable, consultants will frequently serve food, play games, and possibly have product giveaways to entice guests to make a purchase.

A jewelry consultant is a self-employed or freelancer who essentially sells items for a fee. This is why it works well as a part-time job but is difficult to sustain as a full-time job. Anyone considering this type of work should read the contract carefully and ensure that he or she is free to stop selling at any time without penalty if she so chooses. Aside from that, many people find this to be a fun and interesting way to earn some extra money that requires no prior education or experience.