What Does a Laboratory Manager Do?

A laboratory manager ensures the safety and quality of operations in a medical or scientific lab. To keep the facility running smoothly, the manager may set policies, hire and fire employees, maintain equipment, and engage in other activities. Lab manager positions can be found at individual facilities, in trade publications, and through recruiters. A four-year degree is usually required, and some employers may prefer a master’s degree.

One aspect of the laboratory manager’s job entails dealing with people. The manager can hire, train, and fire people, as well as set schedules and provide leave and vacation time. Conflicts in the facility may be handled this employee first, and only referred to other staff members if they are difficult to resolve. Managers not only coordinate lab employees, but they also work with people who use the lab, such as researchers, doctors, and students, to ensure that they understand how to use the equipment properly.

The laboratory manager, who is also responsible for providing safety information and auditing the lab on a regular basis, may establish safety protocols. These procedures protect facility workers while also serving as quality controls. Workers in a medical testing laboratory, for example, take precautions to avoid cross-contamination and sample loss. If forensic evidence is handled in the lab, the laboratory manager is also in charge of overseeing chain of custody protocols to ensure that the evidence is admissible in court.

The lab manager may also be responsible for periodic testing, calibration, maintenance, and replacement of equipment. This can include tables, chairs, file cabinets, and computer systems, in addition to scientific equipment. If a repair person or technician is required, the laboratory manager may solicit bids and choose which company to use for the job. Inspectors and regulatory officials may request proof of equipment maintenance and related activities, so records must be kept up to date.

Supply ordering, as well as budgeting, may be part of the job. People who require specific supplies should contact the laboratory manager or an assistant for assistance. Approval may be required for expensive or complex orders, which may include a discussion with a researcher or technician to determine the specific need. To save money, it may be possible to use a different source or approach a problem in a different way in some cases.