What Does a Land Agent Do?

A land agent is a person who acts as a link between a landowner and the person who wants to buy the land, whether that person is an individual or a large corporation. A land agent, rather than a real estate agent, is more knowledgeable about land prices and how to sell various types of land for various purposes. Companies may also hire land agents to assist them in locating properties suitable for a specific activity, such as the development of a wind farm. Keep in mind that in some countries, a real estate agent is referred to as a land agent, so knowing what type of agent someone is is critical.

The first definition of a land agent is an individual who works to sell and acquire various pieces of property. Beginning with the initial surveying and pricing of the land, the services provided this type of agent can be extremely beneficial to sellers. Though getting multiple opinions is always a good idea before listing a piece of property for sale at a specific price, someone who specializes in selling land will be able to provide a more accurate estimate based on true market value.

Furthermore, a land agent provides valuable, practical services that landowners may not want to do themselves. This entails putting the property on the market in a variety of places, such as listing services or the internet. It could also entail showing the property, answering questions, and acting as a go-between if an offer is made to ensure that the negotiations are conducted properly and legally. Once a deal is agreed upon, the agent may assist in the drafting of the contract and attend the closing to ensure that everything goes smoothly. This can be extremely useful for people who are trying to sell a home on a tight schedule.

Corporations may also hire a land agent to assist them in finding properties for sale that meet their specific needs. Land agents have access to land for sale information that others do not, making this a valuable service. Land agents also provide a variety of other services, such as GIS mapping, locating deeds, and drafting other documents and contracts. A land agent is beneficial in many different types of land sales and acquisitions for these and other reasons.