What Does a Model Machinist Do?

Model machinists create component models for product development. Scale models as well as full versions with moving parts are possible. To meet their needs, companies that design and repair machined parts may hire model machinists on a full-time or part-time basis. It is also possible to work independently and complete projects for a variety of companies on a contract basis.

Working as a machinist in this field usually necessitates a lot of experience. Some components may require hand fabrication, particularly in the early stages of design, which necessitates experience and skill. Furthermore, experience with computer-aided design (CAD) and computer numerical control (CNC) equipment is typically required. The model machinist must be able to read technical drawings, produce parts according to specifications, and contribute to the development of mass production plans.

The model machinist meets with the design team to discuss the specifications as a company puts a product into development and engineers begin producing detailed drawings. They can discuss things like shape, size, construction materials, and other details. The machinist can create a model or working prototype using this information. Designers may want to see how the product will look without working components or a full scale model in the early stages. They may require more functional prototypes from the model machinist as the project progresses.

Model fabrication may be done by a group of people in some cases. The model machinist can make some of the component’s parts and may perform tasks such as programming equipment to replicate CAD schematics in physical materials. Other team members may contribute to the development of additional parts. This may be necessary for more complex projects, such as building car prototypes, where a single technician may lack the necessary skills to complete an entire working model.

Some model machinists may require additional training. Some employees work with sensitive or classified information, necessitating security checks and the signing of nondisclosure agreements. Others may be working on projects that necessitate familiarity with harsh environments, such as space or oil fields, in order to design components that will function properly in these environments. If a facility lacks the space to test some components, travel may be required. It’s also a good idea to keep up with the latest developments in the field by reading trade publications, attending conferences, and using other resources.