What does a Pet Detective do?

Pet detectives are private investigators who specialize in cases involving domestic animals. The location and rescue of dogs, cats, and other animals that have wandered away or been stolen from their homes is one of the more common services provided by this type of investigator. The task of locating missing dogs and cats and returning them to their frantic owners frequently involves the use of cutting-edge surveillance technology.

A pet detective will frequently have a working relationship with any animal shelters in the area as part of the process. This allows the detective to check with the shelters on a regular basis to see if a lost dog or cat matching a current client’s description has been turned in recently. Because most animal shelters can only provide food and shelter to strays for a limited amount of time before having to euthanize them, this can be an important aspect of the investigation. The pet detective can sometimes identify a missing pet and reunite the animal with its owner before this drastic last step is taken by staying in constant contact with shelter personnel.

The pet detective doesn’t just communicate with animal shelters in the area. As with any investigation, the detective will speak with the owner and gather as much information as possible about the missing pet. This can include information like the pet’s age, color, breed, weight, distinguishing physical characteristics, and known likes and dislikes.

In the early stages of an investigation, it’s common to inquire about any favorite places outside of the home, such as a favorite walking route or a park. At that time, photographs or electronic media featuring the pet are also collected. The information provided can often provide valuable clues to the pet detective on how to proceed with the search.

As part of the search and recovery operation, modern surveillance equipment is frequently used. The average pet detective will use highly sensitive audio equipment that can pick up sounds from a wider range, making it easier to hear animal noises even when the pets are out of sight. Infrared vision equipment makes it relatively easy to search at night, while high-power binoculars allow you to visually survey large distances in the hopes of finding the missing dog or cat.

In most cases, a pet detective will charge a flat fee per day and will seek reimbursement for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the investigation. The search will go on until either the detective finds the missing pet or the owner decides to call it a day. Any outstanding fees are invoiced to the client at that time, and the client is expected to pay the balance in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon at the start of the investigation.