A pro wrestler is a professional wrestler who performs in front of live audiences and television cameras on a regular basis. In a ring with other professionals, he or she performs physically demanding stunts, attempting to make the action look as real as possible. To stay in shape and learn how to avoid injuries, a pro wrestler must train constantly. A large part of a pro wrestler’s job, in addition to training and competing, is acting, which entails portraying a character in an ongoing storyline that is exciting to fans.
Wrestlers are required to perform difficult stunts and compete in long, demanding matches, so they are almost always in excellent physical condition. They are committed athletes who devote a significant amount of time to training, exercising, and weightlifting. Wrestlers spend a lot of time outside the ring practicing and perfecting moves so that they can execute them safely and convincingly in future matches.
Wrestling matches are usually scripted, and the results are decided before the match starts. Prior to a match, opponents frequently plan out moves, rehearse bouts, and discuss strategies with one another. Wrestlers, on the other hand, must improvise when things in the ring do not go as planned. To coordinate moves and let each other know what to expect, they frequently communicate through whispers and hand gestures. By engaging with the crowd and confronting the referee, an experienced pro wrestler can use his or her improvisational skills to increase the excitement and intensity of a dull match.
To captivate audiences, wrestling federations create dramatic storylines. A professional wrestler must be a convincing actor who can play either a hero or a villain. He or she could be told to give tense, emotional interviews, promote upcoming matches, intimidate opponents, and pretend to be injured. Wrestlers who are popular with the public are usually given more chances to compete and develop detailed storylines.
To become a professional wrestler, one must be willing to undergo extensive training. Many aspiring wrestlers enroll in professional wrestling schools, where they learn various techniques and safety precautions, gain experience performing in front of crowds, and begin to develop unique characters that appeal to spectators. Wrestlers in training are paired with expert coaches who teach them how to execute convincing moves while avoiding serious injury to themselves and their opponents. Depending on a wrestler’s talents and proven skills, wrestling schools can take anywhere from six months to four years to complete. Most hopeful wrestlers must compete in years of amateur matches after graduating from wrestling school before being recognized by a professional wrestling federation.