What Does a Retail Florist Do?

Retail florists design floral arrangements for special occasions such as weddings and funerals. These individuals must be able to grow healthy flowers as well as cut and dry them for sale to customers. To increase his or her job opportunities, an individual interested in becoming a retail florist can complete a one-year certificate, two-year associate degree, or four-year bachelor’s degree program in floriculture. This person must interact with customers in a professional manner and promote the company’s products. In addition, the professional must keep track of inventory and maintain current knowledge of the field.

A retail florist’s job requires a high level of professionalism. This person must be able to respond to phone calls with proper etiquette and strive to clearly and quickly answer callers’ questions. He or she must also make every effort to assist every walk-in customer as soon as possible, offering tips and suggestions to assist them in making decisions about their purchases.

Another crucial responsibility of a professional in this field is marketing. He or she must be willing to promote his or her company’s products on special occasions such as Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, as well as inform customers about sales and discounts offered the organization. Furthermore, a retail florist displays price tags and signs for various items correctly and rotates them to different parts of the retail establishment at predetermined times to increase client exposure to them.

A person working in this field must also manage inventory and keep floral products looking attractive. This person must ensure that there are enough products for sale and must order new supplies on a regular basis to ensure that consumer demands are met, resulting in profits for his or her company. It is common to use a computer system to track the arrival of goods and the sale of items. A retail florist’s ability to maintain the health and appearance of the flowers and plants being sold is also a necessary skill.

In this role, it’s also critical to keep his or her knowledge of the field up to date. A retail florist can become certified taking and passing written and practical examinations on various types of floral arrangements through an industry institute. To keep the designation and learn about new developments in the field, the individual must take continuing education courses.