What Does a Rigging Supervisor Do?

To move large or heavy objects, riggers use ropes, cables, and other equipment. These workers are led by a rigging supervisor, who assists in the coordination of his crew’s efforts. The rigging supervisor is responsible for ensuring employee safety and protecting workers, property, and the general public from harm. Aside from working with the rigging crew, the supervisor is also responsible for business tasks like budgeting, scheduling, and record keeping.

Riggers work in a variety of industries, and supervisory positions require extensive experience in a specific area of rigging technology. These crews are frequently found on construction sites, erecting steel and concrete supports and loading large equipment onto rooftops. Riggers also work in the manufacturing, mining, and shipbuilding industries. Some work in theatrical productions, lifting and lowering scenery and lighting, and even rigging actors to make them appear to be flying.

Regardless of the industry, the rigging supervisor leads his crew and helps to coordinate the efforts of workers in various areas. He keeps a close eye on rigging activities and strives to improve communication and performance. Supervisors also inspect equipment and cables for potential safety hazards and schedule any maintenance or repairs that are needed. To avoid conflicts or potential dangers with other work crews in the area, he works closely with site supervisors and other tradesmen.

Out in the field, rigging supervisors also serve as personnel managers. They are in charge of hiring and firing employees, as well as making recommendations for promotions and transfers. These supervisors also oversee new and existing employee training to ensure that they know how to operate equipment and complete complex tasks safely and efficiently. A rigging supervisor may be in charge of keeping track of his employees’ hours and submitting them to a central office for payroll purposes.

Finally, the rigging supervisor is in charge of all business and paperwork associated with his projects. This includes preparing estimates for contract changes or additions, as well as reviewing the contract for pricing or scope errors. He oversees the project budget and keeps track of employee shifts and work activities. These supervisors are frequently required to keep detailed records and submit daily progress reports by the company. He meets with the project owner, local inspectors, and other contractors to discuss the most efficient way to transport specific objects or materials.