A school supervisor, also known as a principal, is an administrator who oversees the daily operations of schools and directs the training activities of the organization. Typically, these professionals must complete a four-year bachelor’s degree in education followed by a two-year master’s degree in educational leadership or administration. This type of training prepares a school supervisor to interact with teachers, deal with financial issues at the school, develop long-term school plans, and oversee the institution’s various programs.
A school leader is responsible for ensuring that teachers are well-equipped to teach a wide range of subjects to students. Principals are in charge of hiring teachers, leading meetings to answer questions about school procedures, and evaluating teachers on a regular basis. A school supervisor may also assist teachers in choosing training materials and may even visit their classrooms to assess their teaching abilities. If a teacher violates school policies, a school supervisor must assist in the termination of the employee and the recruitment of a replacement educator.
Handling money is also an important part of the school supervisor’s job. Each year, school principals must create budgets for the school and ensure that school personnel adhere to the budget’s requirements when making purchases or hiring outside companies to perform various services. A school budget, for example, covers spending on teaching materials, cafeteria food, and even landscaping services. School administrators also assist in determining whether a school building should be repaired or replaced. School leaders are also in charge of overseeing fundraisers to raise funds for specific expenses.
A principal’s primary responsibility is to develop a school’s vision. Long-term organizational objectives are the responsibility of school leaders. Meetings with teachers, students, their parents, and even members of community organizations that participate in the school’s activities and initiatives may be part of this. Summer months are also used by school administrators to make plans for the coming school year.
A school supervisor also has a variety of other responsibilities, such as ensuring that his or her student body meets certain regional or national academic standards. This is critical because schools are sometimes awarded funding based on their students’ academic performance. A school manager also supervises summer school activities, handles media calls during newsworthy events, and oversees student after-school programs.