What does a School Teacher do?

A secondary or primary school teacher has a wide range of responsibilities, which vary depending on the grade level and the type of school (private or public). Create lesson plans, carry them out, adjust plans based on class progress or special needs of some students, maintain school disciplinary standards, evaluate ongoing student performance, and interact with students and their families are just a few of the basic things a school teacher does. Teachers must also attend all staff and administrative meetings, pursue continuing education for personal benefit and to keep their credentials, and receive training on new teaching methods or technology.

The ability to create plans is critical to a schoolteacher’s success. First, a yearly syllabus is created that either uses school-recommended books and materials or addresses regional standards. Most teachers create yearly plans based on regional standards, but some may have more freedom in selecting materials. Teachers use daily plans or unit plans to figure out how they’ll meet the objectives of a syllabus or yearly curriculum.

Some adjustments are required when carrying out lesson plans. A good school teacher should be able to tell if students are keeping up with the curriculum or if they aren’t progressing as quickly as they should be. Yearly, unit, or daily plans may need to be adjusted, and they should be viewed as fluid and responsive to student feedback. Individualized programs or different assessment methods may be required for students with learning or behavioral issues, and these must be considered as well. Regular feedback on academic and behavioral performance is required for all students, whether in the form of formal grades or informal discussion.

Student performance is frequently used to determine the success of planning. A school teacher must keep meticulous records of student work, grade it according to established guidelines, and report grades to the school and parents. Another responsibility is to provide discipline, and teachers must establish rules, enforce them, or determine whether some students require different rules. Teachers are regularly in contact with parents who may have concerns about one or more of these areas as a result of planning, grading, and disciplining. Parents may volunteer in classrooms or on field trips, and teachers may be required to supervise parental volunteers.

Teachers have responsibilities to administrators and faculty at their schools. Faculty planning may exist, and administrators may have guidelines based on appropriate material or overall school performance. A credentialed school teacher must also engage in continuing education on a regular basis, which may be part of staff training or more formal. To keep their credentials, most teachers must complete continuing education units.

The schoolteacher works long hours and may work up to 10-11 hours per week without pay. The demand for greater accountability in schools, as well as ongoing school funding issues, has resulted in more structured planning, with fewer materials options and less classroom assistance. Fortunately, the demanding nature of a teacher’s job does not deter many excellent educators from pursuing a career in education.