What Does a Sustaining Engineer Do?

A sustaining engineer helps to speed up the process of putting a product’s plans into development and full-scale production. Sustaining engineers are part of teams tasked with putting an idea into production after it has been approved company officials. This job typically requires an engineering degree, as well as extensive industry experience and familiarity with a company’s capabilities, processes, and policies. Sustaining engineers are needed in a variety of fields, from biomedical sciences to software design.

The sustaining engineer is brought on board as the development team completes the plans for a product. This individual assesses the plans and proposals for feasibility and may submit a formal report to the employer. The report may discuss the project’s limitations and flaws, as well as make recommendations for changes that would improve the product from a production standpoint. The sustaining engineer must be able to work with computer-aided design programs and other office tools on a regular basis.

The sustaining engineer can create a schedule, research materials, evaluate prototypes, and begin planning production. This work usually entails going to the production site, such as a factory, to look at the equipment and talk to the workers. Sustaining engineers may be required to travel to the field if they are developing products for use in harsh environments such as oil fields. The sustaining engineer can determine what the company needs to successfully produce the product based on knowledge of the company’s resources.

As products enter production, this employee keeps track of the process, makes improvements, and identifies issues that need to be addressed. In some situations, this work can be demanding and exacting. Sustaining engineers can also talk about ongoing production issues with products that are already on the market. They are involved in purchasing new process and manufacturing equipment, as well as worker training as they learn about project production.

Sustaining engineers must be able to communicate with a variety of people on the design and development teams. Good people skills, as well as a high level of communication competency, are beneficial in this position. Many jobs require analytical skills, as well as the ability to think quickly and keep a mental inventory of information and resources. This job typically requires knowledge of engineering and design computer systems, as well as the ability to create presentations for company employees.