What Does a Verification Specialist Do?

A career as a verification specialist is frequently suited to someone who is well-organized and has strong interpersonal skills. These individuals frequently work in the healthcare industry, performing a variety of secretarial duties. In general, a bachelor’s degree in medicine or a related field and two years of work experience are required for this position. Scheduling appointments, storing patient files, answering questions, assisting patients with insurance paperwork, and sending bills to patients are just a few of the primary responsibilities of a verification specialist.

Scheduling appointments is one of a verification specialist’s main responsibilities. She may take calls and schedule patients for procedures such as doctor visits and consultations throughout the day. She will almost always enter the appointment time and patient information into a computer database. As a result, it’s advantageous for someone to have strong computer skills and good organizational habits. Conflicting schedules could cause problems if not addressed.

Another important aspect of this job is keeping track of patient files. A patient file often contains information such as medical history, prescribed medications, and insurance documents. A verification specialist is responsible for properly classifying and categorizing all patient files in a filing system.

This job also entails answering a variety of questions. A verification specialist may be required to answer questions over the phone or via email, refer patients to physicians, answer insurance questions, or show visitors where to go within a facility during the course of each day. This aspect of the job necessitates a broad medical knowledge base as well as a thorough understanding of physicians and facility layout. A friendly demeanor and outgoing personality are also advantageous.

In addition, a verification specialist is frequently used to assist patients with insurance paperwork. When a patient doesn’t understand all of the details of an insurance form, it’s her responsibility to translate them into plain English. She’ll also have to double-check a patient’s insurance coverage and possibly look into any discrepancies on an insurance form. As a result, a verification specialist must have a thorough understanding of health insurance as well as all applicable legal requirements.

In addition, she is frequently in charge of sending bills to patients. It’s usually her responsibility to prepare financial statements and send them to the proper parties. She will, in most cases, make copies of each statement in case it is needed at a later date. Having a knack for accounting can come in handy in these situations.