What Does a Visual Designer Do?

Though the specific tasks that a visual designer is responsible for vary depending on the project, in general, he or she is in charge of the design of a webpage or user interface (UI). This responsibility frequently manifests itself in tasks involving the application of graphic design concepts such as color theory, scale, and use of space to the creation of user interfaces and websites. This type of designer frequently collaborates with programmers and other developers on a project to ensure that a holistic vision is implemented. Although visual design principles can be applied to an existing product, this work is typically done at the start of a project.

A visual designer usually works for a specific company directly or as a freelancer or consultant hired on from another company. The application of graphic design concepts to the layout of a website or a product’s UI is frequently the primary task of such a designer. To create a UI, some products may employ multiple professionals with different strengths, such as an interactive designer and a visual designer. However, this is not always the case; visual design may take precedence, and a single designer may be able to complete an entire project on their own.

A visual designer may start from scratch or revise work that has already been done on a website or UI, depending on the nature of the project. In general, however, the designer applies graphic design principles to the page layout or user interface. Color theory, for example, can be used a visual designer to create a more intuitive user interface. This is demonstrated the associations of specific colors with various concepts or emotional responses. Because red is frequently used to indicate warnings or stop signs while driving in many countries, it is frequently used on program exit buttons or to indicate that a specific function may have negative consequences.

A visual designer can employ similar graphic design concepts, such as the use of positive and negative space on a page. The basic layout of the Google® homepage, for example, is a clear example of using negative space to draw attention to the few elements on the page. The Bing® homepage, on the other hand, clearly demonstrates how that space can be filled with imagery that supports the page’s primary function. A visual designer creates this type of layout through an understanding of how people view images and the way in which different design elements can enhance the user experience.