What Does an Acting Governor Do?

In the United States, an acting governor temporarily assumes the duties of a state governor who is unable to do so due to illness or other circumstances. The responsibilities of an acting governor differ from state to state, but they generally consist of running the executive branch’s day-to-day operations. These responsibilities could include preparing the state budget and approving or vetoing legislation.

If a state’s governor dies, becomes seriously ill or injured, is on trial for a crime, or is otherwise unable to serve as governor, an acting governor must be appointed. If the governor is running for a national office, such as president or vice president, he or she may be gone for months at a time. In most states, the lieutenant governor assumes the position of governor. Because some states, such as West Virginia, lack a lieutenant governor, another elected official, such as the Senate president, will assume the role.

In the event that the governor is unable to return to office, the acting governor may be appointed to complete the governor’s term. A special gubernatorial election will be held in other states to determine the successor. Instead of acting governor, the newly elected official will be the governor.

Acting governors, in general, have all of the powers, rights, and responsibilities of the state’s executive branch. Depending on how long the acting governor is in power, some or all of these responsibilities may be required of him or her. A typical governor’s responsibilities include overseeing the state’s budget, approving or vetoing Senate-passed legislation, granting pardons, appointing officials such as judges, and calling special congressional sessions. Acting governors will be in charge of which of these actions are determined by state constitutions.

The acting governor will not necessarily be a member of the same political party as the current governor, nor will they share the same political goals. Acting governors are rarely in office long enough to make significant changes in state government, but every now and then one will stir up controversy by acting in ways that the governor would not. Mike Curb, a Republican, was a well-known example of this, serving as governor of California on ad hoc basis while Democrat Jerry Brown ran for president in 1979–1980. Curb appointed over 400 people and signed 30 bills into law, many of which were opposed by Brown. The California Supreme Court controversially upheld Curb’s decisions, ruling that in the absence of the governor, the acting governor has all of the governor’s powers.