An assisted living director is a senior executive who is in charge of the day-to-day operations of a residential care facility. A residential care facility differs from a nursing home in that the elderly residents can, with some assistance and supervision, look after themselves for the most part. An assisted living director’s main responsibility is to ensure that the seniors in his or her residences are properly supported and that they receive care tailored to their specific needs.
Executive assisted living directors do a lot of administrative work. They must ensure that the facility complies with all applicable laws, including that all employees have the necessary care credentials. The assisted living director or administrator may report to the managers or directors of various departments, such as health care. Each manager will then be in charge of a group of employees. The executive director must make sure that all of his or her subordinates are doing their jobs properly.
It’s critical to follow the rules, such as which types of residential workers are matched with which types of care, or the facility could be shut down. Assisted living directors choose and supervise team leaders who are qualified to ensure that all laws are followed and that residents receive proper care. Seniors who require assistance with grooming and bathing, for example, will most likely require a worker with a different level of education than a senior with medical needs. Jobs as an assisted living director should not be confused with jobs as an assistant living activities director.
Activities directors aren’t in charge of running a senior care facility; instead, they plan and supervise sports, crafts, and other forms of entertainment for the residents. An assisted living director’s goal is to ensure that patients are functioning properly in all areas by providing proper care. In order to achieve this goal, the directors must keep an eye on employees at all levels of management. In addition to staff training and patient care planning, many assistant living directors are in charge of billing.
While many assistant living administrators or directors work in an office setting, many of them travel to all departments of the resident facilities under their supervision on a regular basis. These directors must ensure that any problems are identified as soon as possible and that methods and personnel are adjusted as needed to provide the best possible patient care. Staff meetings are usually attended by an assisted living director on a regular basis. He or she must be knowledgeable and experienced in both human resources and patient care. To stay current with laws and regulations, health care directors may need to attend professional refresher classes.