An energy analyst can work in a variety of capacities in the energy industry, including policy development, efficiency improvement, and investor business analysis. Qualifications for the job vary depending on the type of work performed, but can include degrees in science or business as well as industry experience. People who work on efficiency issues and want to be able to provide assurances to their clients and customers can also get certified. Government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses are all possible employers.
An energy analyst, in one sense, works on policy development issues. This necessitates an understanding of current policy and comparing it to anticipated needs, environmental concerns, and performance targets set by the government. Analysts compile this data in order to develop policy recommendations for both the national and local levels. An energy analyst, for example, might collaborate with a municipality to promote a program encouraging citizens to reduce their individual resource consumption.
An energy analyst can evaluate use in private homes, facilities, and across a company’s network of properties as an efficiency consultant. The analyst identifies inefficient energy usage and makes recommendations for improvement. Measures for weatherizing homes and individual structures, as well as the adoption of alternative energy generation to meet a company’s needs, are examples. An energy analyst typically considers a variety of objectives, focusing on environmental concerns while reducing costs.
The financial industry is another possible area of employment for an energy analyst. These experts study energy company performance in order to make recommendations to their clients, which can include individual utilities and related businesses. They may advise mutual funds and other large investors on how to get involved in the energy sector, as well as private individuals interested in developing a position in energy companies. For those interested in this sector of the economy, some energy analysts may write opinion columns and informational guides.
An energy analyst’s familiarity with various energy generation methods, the industry as a whole, and specific policy topics is usually beneficial. To perform specific tasks, advanced training in subjects such as environmentally friendly construction, economics, and political science may be required. Internship opportunities for college students interested in developing careers in energy analysis may be listed in trade publications as well as directly through resources maintained by firms active in this sector.