An escrow officer is an independent third party who holds funds that are being transferred between a buyer, seller, or lender. The officer’s account is referred to as an escrow account. Escrow accounts serve as both a negotiating and a security tool; they demonstrate the paying party’s sincere commitment to a deal by securing guaranteed funds for the receiving party. Escrow officers can also be loan officers who open accounts for mortgage payments, insurance, and property taxes. Other aspects of a transaction that escrow agents can oversee include the signing of paperwork, the implementation of title insurance when dealing with real estate, and other processes involved in a transaction’s closing. In other words, an escrow officer ensures that all aspects of a transaction are handled legally and fairly.
Escrow officers are most commonly associated with real estate transactions. When dealing with real estate, an escrow officer may be used while a contract between the seller and the buyer is pending. The buyer pays an escrow officer a certain amount of money, which is held in a neutral third-party account until the transaction is completed, at which point all funds are transferred to the seller. Earnest money deposits, which are not the same as a down payment on a mortgage, are deposited into an escrow account to show a seller that a potential buyer is serious about pursuing a property.
Real estate escrow accounts aren’t just for potential buyers and sellers; they can be used for any transaction involving two parties. Rather than giving a borrower a lump sum, a lender may release portions of a loan over time through an escrow account. When a tenant pays down a security deposit for a rental, the funds are typically held in an escrow account by the landlord to ensure that the tenant’s money is kept safe and secure. When it comes to a property owner with a mortgage, the mortgage-lending company — acting as an escrow officer — may set up an escrow account specifically for holding funds for paying off mortgage payments, property taxes, and insurance.
As neutral third parties, escrow officers are generally trained and equipped to handle any aspect of a transaction. For one transaction, an escrow officer may simply assist with the transfer of purchasing funds; for another transaction, an escrow officer may assist with nearly every detail of the transaction from start to finish. Escrow officers also handle more complicated transactions like liens, in which one party pays off another’s debt in exchange for interest-bearing payments. If you’re looking for an escrow officer, look for one who works for a title company or a financial institution.