What Does an Extension Educator Do?

An extension educator’s job is to bring the benefits of university research and training to people outside of the university setting. Agriculture and the life sciences account for a large number of extension educator positions. In other cases, an extension educator may work with underserved populations to provide healthcare services and information. Many university extension programs also provide more general interest education and training, and an extension educator working for one of these programs could teach almost any subject.

The idea behind extension education is that universities should maintain an active and ongoing relationship with the communities and populations they serve. Universities in the United States, particularly public institutions, have a long history of sharing research and information with members of the general public. This enables academic knowledge to be disseminated more widely, allowing men and women who spend the majority of their time engaged in non-academic pursuits to benefit from university research.

Crop and animal husbandry information is frequently shared in this manner. At a local community outreach center, an extension educator might teach classes on soil conservation, crop rotation, and other topics. Some educators collaborate with community organizations, such as 4-H, to help young people learn. In other cases, an agricultural extension educator may be in charge of answering questions from the general public on topics ranging from pesticide application to large commercial crops to the cultivation of personal vegetable gardens.

The field of health education is a second mainstay of extension education. Many university programs provide free clinics or training in a variety of health topics, including fitness, nutrition, child development, and many others. Small classes on topics of particular interest, such as pregnancy or the prevention of childhood diseases, may be conducted by an extension educator working for this type of program. A portion of this work could be done over the Internet, with direct questions and answers from members of the public.

Other types of extension education provide ongoing adult education with the goal of providing either an alternative to a college degree or opportunities for personal development. Extension centers frequently manage distance learning programs, and an extension educator working for one of these programs has many of the same responsibilities as any other faculty member teaching in a distance learning program, and extension educator requirements for these programs typically reflect this. Other extension educators offer short classes tailored to individual interests, ranging from pottery to history, that are intended to provide personal development opportunities but do not offer degree credit.