What Does an Immunology Specialist Do?

An immunology specialist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of immune system disorders such as allergies and auto-immune disorders. Beyond medical school or a fellowship in internal medicine or pediatrics, doctors who want to work in this field usually need additional training and certification. An immunology specialist may work in a research lab or an academic setting, rather than treating patients, to investigate the causes of allergies or other immune responses.

An immunology specialist is typically certified in her field. It usually takes more than ten years to become an immunologist. A physician in this field must first complete a four-year undergraduate degree before pursuing a medical degree. She is usually expected to complete a residency in pediatric or internal medicine after receiving her medical degree.

She can begin an immunology fellowship after her initial residency is completed. She must pass an examination to become a board-certified immunology specialist after completing this phase of training. Continuing education courses are required of the doctor throughout her career in order to maintain her specialization.

Patients with allergies are diagnosed immunologists. To assess a patient’s response to an allergen, a physician can perform tests such as a skin test or a breathing test. Immunologists can also diagnose allergic skin reactions like eczema or hives. Once a diagnosis has been made, an immunology specialist will devise a treatment plan to either prevent or treat the allergic reaction.

However, allergies aren’t the only condition that worries immunologists. They also assess and treat immune system disorders such as auto-immune disorders. When immune cells attack healthy cells in the body, this happens. Lupus and multiple sclerosis are two examples of auto-immune disorders. When a person is diagnosed with one of these diseases, her immune system attacks her body’s organs and tissues, causing inflammation. A physician may prescribe corticosteroids or immune-suppressing drugs to treat such auto-immune disorders.

Some of these doctors work with people who have immune system problems. A virus or an inherited condition can cause a weakened immune system. To diagnose an immunodeficiency, an immunologist will usually conduct a blood test. Antibiotics to fight infections and therapy to improve the immune system’s response are possible treatments.

Instead of working in a clinical setting, an immunology specialist might prefer to work in academia. This type of physician will perform laboratory tests in order to develop new treatment methods or diagnostic tests. She might write papers for medical journals detailing the results of her tests. She may be asked to present her findings at conferences in the future.