What does an IT Infrastructure Manager do?

The hardware, operating systems, and tools used to organize large computer installations are the responsibility of an IT infrastructure manager. This position is also known as a technical systems manager or an information technology architect. The connectivity and hardware responsibilities that are the focus of this position are referenced in all three titles.

The information technology (IT) infrastructure manager is in charge of system management, ensuring redundancy and growth potential, as well as emergency planning. This position usually reports to the organization’s director of information technology or a similar position. Although software and application managers are equal in rank, they frequently rely on the IT infrastructure manager’s expertise when planning new projects.

The vast majority of a manager’s time is spent on system management coordination. The system operations staff in most organizations reports directly to this position. The systems operators are in charge of maintaining all of the various programs and routines required to keep the system operational.

You must have completed post-secondary education in computer science, computer system management, or information technology to work as an IT infrastructure manager. Many employers also demand that candidates have completed additional training in operating systems, hardware, and system infrastructure. People who enjoy working with technology, enjoy a challenging work environment, and are able to work in an industry that is constantly changing report the highest levels of satisfaction. Multiple people are needed to complete the initial set up and maintenance of this type of infrastructure, so teamwork is essential in this role. The primary responsibility of this job is to design a proper system with enough room for expansion, backups, and redundancy.

A career as an IT infrastructure manager necessitates a commitment to lifelong learning. In this field, both hardware and software are constantly changing, and this trend is expected to continue in the near future. In the next five to ten years, this career is expected to grow at a faster rate. Candidates must obtain additional education, such as certification in a specific technology or graduate-level training, in order to advance their careers.

Back-up and restoration systems, remote system management, specially designed server rooms, and other structural settings are all part of emergency planning. This part of the job necessitates a significant time investment, followed minimal annual maintenance. Take the time to thoroughly test this system to ensure that it will function if needed.