What Is a 3D Laptop?

A three-dimensional (3D) laptop is an electronic device that can be used as a portable computer, which features a monitor that can be used to view 3D images. There are a few different ways in which the visual features of a 3D laptop can be achieved, though most of them require a user to wear special glasses. These glasses allow the user to see images on the laptop display as though they were projected toward the computer user. A 3D laptop can also feature technology that allows a user to see an image that seems to extend from the screen without wearing glasses.

Other than the special screen of a 3D laptop, this type of device functions much like any other portable computer. As the name suggests, these computers are small and light enough to be placed on a person’s lap and used as a computer, making them quite portable and easy to use. A 3D laptop can run the same types of software as any other computer, but is designed with a display screen that can be used to view 3D images. The requirements of this technology are often fairly intense, so these laptops tend to have a great deal of processing power and excellent graphics cards.

One of the most common ways in which a 3D laptop functions is through the use of special glasses. While wearing these glasses, the images displayed by the monitor appear to extend into three dimensions, rather than the standard width and height of most computer displays. This third dimension, depth, makes images on the screen appear to extend out from the computer toward the user. A 3D laptop user can view movies that are made in 3D, and see various computer applications and play games that seem to extend out from the screen.

Some companies have also developed a 3D laptop that does not require wearing special glasses for a user to see 3D images. One way in which this can be achieved is through a special monitor that actually displays two different images simultaneously. The user’s left eye perceives one image, while the right eye actually sees the other picture.

These two images are then combined by the 3D laptop user’s brain into a three-dimensional image that extends out from the display into virtual space. A camera can be used with this type of computer to track the movements and eye position of a computer user. This allows precise display of 3D images, but the technology is limited to one viewer at a time.