A ballpoint pen is a type of writing instrument created by Laszlo Biro in 1938. Fountain pens had a tendency to leak and could also fail at high altitudes, so the ballpoint pen was a significant improvement. Biro’s invention was widely used during WWII and has since become a common product in most households around the world, thanks to low-cost manufacturing processes that make ballpoint pens widely available.
The ballpoint pen works on a fairly straightforward principle. The pen’s ink is stored in a cartridge inside the pen. A ball bearing is seated inside a socket at the pen’s tip. The ball bearing collects ink from the cartridge and serves as a seal to prevent the ink from escaping. Ballpoint pens use a thick, quick-drying ink to prevent writers from smearing their work, and the ball bearing keeps the ink inside the cartridge moist, preventing the pen from clogging.
The subsequent line of ink will be thick or thin depending on the width of the ball bearing. Ballpoint pens are available in a range of widths, from standard to superfine, depending on the writer’s needs. The line in a ballpoint pen will remain consistent thanks to the controlled ink delivery system, and the pen will last a long time if properly stored.
Ballpoint pens were a game-changing introduction to the world of writing. They didn’t spew ink all over the writer’s hands like fountain pens did, and they were also very inexpensive. Many customers praised the long-lasting ink cartridges used in ballpoint pens. Some companies even sell replacement ink cartridges, allowing customers to buy a high-end ballpoint pen and then refill the ink when it runs out.
Despite the fact that Biro invented and patented the ballpoint pen in 1938, the design was picked up by an American businessman named Milton Reynolds, who began marketing it in the United States. Reynolds was not technically in the wrong because the ballpoint pen had not been patented there, but he did break patent laws by attempting to sell the pen internationally. Reynolds was sued by Eversharp, the legitimate patent owner, and the battle captivated the public imagination. Unfortunately, both companies’ products were unreliable, and the ballpoint pen became regarded as a passing fad.
A French businessman named Bich improved the design in the late 1940s, dropping the “H” from his name and selling Bic pens. Reynolds and Eversharp had folded by the late 1950s, allowing Bic to dominate the ballpoint pen market. The low-cost Bic pen is widely available throughout the world, while a variety of companies continue to produce higher-end ballpoint pens.
It’s important to remember that a ballpoint pen is gravity fed when handling it. Ballpoint pens work best when the tip is facing the earth and the pen is held perpendicular to the writing surface. Keep the tip of a ballpoint pen up to prevent ink from flowing down the pen and clogging it or causing it to leak.