What is a Biodome?

A biodome is a scientific facility which creates a replica of an ecosystem in a controlled environment indoors. Many of these structures are designed inside geodesic spheres, because these structures create large amounts of room which can be useful in creating a credible replica of a real ecosystem. One of the most famous biodomes is the Montreal Biodome, built in 1992, and the Biosphere 2 project in Arizona is another example of a biodome.

There are a number of reasons to build a biodome. Many of these structures are used for research and science education, and they can also be used for experimentation. Biodomes can be built anywhere in the world, including in dense urban areas, and their interiors can be precisely controlled, allowing people to visit sub-Arctic climates, rainforests, deserts, temperate forests, and other types of ecosystems. Some biodomes include several climate zones which visitors can travel through. Research facilities such as labs are often attached directly to the facility to make scientific study easier.

From an education perspective, a biodome can be a powerful tool, as it exposes visitors to ecosystems they might not be able to see without taking an expensive and grueling trip. The space can be filled with plants, animals, and natural features which can all be used as starting points to discuss the environment and the importance of environmental preservation. Many people visit biodomes as a form of recreation and they absorb interesting scientific information along the way.

These spaces are also very useful for scientific research. The ability to control the environment can allow scientists to play with environmental variables to see how they impact the ecosystem, and researchers can also study things like the spread of non-native plants, the role that introduced animals can play in an ecosystem, and the impact of pollution on the environment. Researchers can also test environmental remediation programs on a small scale in a biodome to determine whether or not they will be effective before being tried in the real world.

Areas with biodomes open to the public tend to advertise their facilities and make them easy to find. In some cities, visitors can purchase all access passes which will allow them to visit several attractions which may include things like biodomes along with science museums, art museums, and other institutions. If one has an opportunity to see a biodome, it is definitely worth a visit, as it can provide a fascinating glimpse into an ecosystem which might be otherwise inaccessible.