What Is a Bow Harp?

The bow harp is a stringed musical instrument that belongs to the harp family. The name alludes to the instrument’s distinctive, curved shape. Bow harps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including Egyptian, African, and Appalachian bow harps. Each of these types is available in a variety of sizes and varieties.

The harp is a centuries-old instrument whose exact origins are difficult to pinpoint. Huntsmen plucking on the strings attached to their hunting bows are thought to have inspired some of the earliest harps. In fact, the word harpa, which roughly translates to “to pluck,” could have come from an ancient Norse or German word. This could explain why different types of bow harps resemble hunting bows in many cases.

A large version of the bow-shaped harp, standing about six feet (1.8 meters) tall, looks suspiciously like an oversized hunting bow. Because the earliest depictions of the instrument can be found etched in the ancient tombs of Egypt’s pharaohs, it is sometimes referred to as the Egyptian harp. The number of strings on this bow harp can range from four to twenty-two. To make a melodic sound, Harpers tune the strings to different notes and pluck them individually or in unison.

A flat, boat-shaped base with a hole in the center is known as the African bow harp. It is typically covered in leather or animal skin. From one end of the base, an arching bow rises. The strings, which are usually ten but can be less, are attached at an angle from the tip of the bow to the base, giving the instrument the appearance of a Viking ship, according to some. Musicians pluck the strings with their thumbs and forefingers while holding the instruments on their laps.

With its smooth, crescent shape, the Appalachian bow harp, also known as a mouth bow, resembles a hunting bow. This instrument typically has only one string and varies in length, with some as long as a person’s arm and others as short as one foot (0.3 meters). Musicians pluck the single string with their thumbs while holding the bow section of the harp against the corner of their mouths. They change the sound moving their mouths and plucking the string in different ways. The instrument can produce a guitar-like twang or clucking-type percussion depending on its size.