What Is a Brotogeris?

The term brotogeris refers to a genus of parrots commonly found in Central and South America. Brotogeris parakeets include the Cobalt-winged Parakeet, the Golden-winged Parakeet and the Grey-cheeked Parakeet. In addition, brotogeris parakeets also include the Orange-chinned Parakeet, the Plain Parakeet and the Tui Parakeet. The White-winged Parakeet and the Yellow-chevroned Parakeet make up the rest of the brotogeris genus. As social creatures, these birds are playful and vocal, as well as affectionate and smart.

Brotogeris parakeets are small, between 7 and 9 inches (about 18 to 23 centimeters) in length, from head to tail. They feed on fruit, nectar and seeds, as well as algae, insects and minerals. On average, they live up to 15 years, and they breed well in the wild but not so well in captivity. Brotogeris parakeets have varied habitats, depending on the species. Most of them live in subtropical or tropical areas. Other areas of habitation include the open country, shrubland and woodland.

The primary color of brotogeris parakeets is green, although different species have a variety of different markings in different colors that set them apart. In some instances, it is easy to confuse one species for another. For example, the Cobalt-winged Parakeet is often mistaken for the Orange-chinned Parakeet, and the White-winged Parakeet is often mistaken for the Yellow-chevroned Parakeet. This is because these parakeets share a distinctive physical characteristic, although upon closer inspection, they are actually different in appearance.

The Cobalt-winged Parakeet has blue-purple coloring on its wings, in addition to an orange coloring on its chin and yellow coloring on its forehead and around its nostrils. As its name suggests, the Golden-winged Parakeet has golden-colored wings. Other colors found on this bird include a blue-tinged crown, an orange-brown chin, and some violet-blue coloring on its feathers. The Grey-cheeked Parakeet has grey-colored cheeks, as well as a grey chin and forehead. In other areas, this parakeet displays bits of blue, yellow and orange.

The Orange-chinned Parakeet, also known as the Tovi Parakeet, has an orange chin; in addition, it has some brown coloring on its shoulders and some blue on its wings. The Plain Parakeet is primarily green with some yellow on its cheeks and crown. The Tui Parakeet is recognizable by the large yellow patch it has on its forehead. The Yellow-chevroned Parakeet displays a yellow edge on its wings, as does the White-winged Parakeet, also called the Canary-winged Parakeet, which a yellow border on its wings and white patches that are visible when the bird’s wings are spread out.