What is a Car Accident Injury Settlement?

A car accident injury settlement is financial compensation provided for harm caused in an automobile accident. A portion of this money may also be used to compensate attorneys who represent the injured individuals. In most cases, this compensation is provided by an auto insurance company, but there are instances in which individuals are required to pay from their personal finances. The amount may be determined by way of an agreement between the parties, or it may be determined by court order.

In most cases when a car accident occurs, at least one party is found to be responsible. If someone was hurt in that accident, the injured person is likely to receive a car accident injury settlement, which is financial compensation from the responsible party or her insurance company. This money is considered to be a settlement because it is generally awarded following a process that begins with a claim or a complaint. In many cases, there are disputes and negotiations involved before a final award is reached.

When a car accident results in only minor injuries, the settlement may be reached easily, quickly, and without the intervention of any third party. In many cases, however, getting a car accident injury settlement is an extended process. One factor that contributes to the length of time that it takes to reach a settlement is treatment. Before an award is made, it is usually necessary to get an accurate idea of how severe a person’s injury is and how much treatment will cost.

A civil court is often involved in these cases. Settling the matter can also involve personal injury lawyers for the parties who are hurt and lawyers defending the party allegedly responsible or the insurance company that does not want to pay. When this is the case, the lawyers for the injured parties are commonly compensated by taking a portion of the car accident injury settlement instead of charging fees to their clients directly.

If a person does not have insurance, a court may order him to pay the car accident injury settlement from his personal finances. There are also some instances when a person has insufficient insurance coverage. When this happens, the insurance company usually pays a portion, and the responsible party must pay the remainder of the awarded amount.

The car accident injury settlement can include compensation for a number of things. It can be used to pay for visits to a medical professional, rehabilitative therapy, and prescriptions. It can include compensation to a person who suffers the loss of a limb or a disability. Other problems that may warrant compensation include pain and suffering and miscarriage.