A carillon is a musical instrument made up of at least 23 bells that are connected to pedals that can be controlled with the hands and feet. Carillons can be found in many parts of Europe, particularly in old churches and other historically significant sites, and carillons are also maintained by some universities around the world. On a carillon, a variety of different types of music can be played, with some composers creating pieces specifically for the carillon. When a carillon is in good working order and is being played by a skilled carillonneur, it can produce a wide variety of sounds.
For centuries, people have been making bells of various shapes and sizes. Bells have been used to send messages and warnings in addition to being used to make music. Craftspeople began tuning bells in the 12th century CE, adjusting their size, weight, shape, and thickness to produce uniform and pleasing sounds. Several bellmakers were successfully making tuned bells by the 15th century, though it would take another 400 years to perfect the art of tuning bells.
Bell bronze, a special metal alloy designed specifically for making bells, is used in the majority of carillons. The bells are first cast in molds that determine their rough shape and weight, after which they are fine-tuned on a lathe. A single bell can produce a variety of notes and tones depending on how it is struck; tuning refines these tones so that bells can be played in harmony together.
It takes a lot of effort to play the carillon. Smaller bells that produce higher notes are relatively simple to play, with levers that are manipulated with the hands or fists, though learning to exploit the range of tones a single bell can produce takes a lot of practice. Larger bells are extremely heavy, and playing them well necessitates a significant amount of force. For a carillon player, the array of levers and pedals can be quite a workout, and a slip of the body can result in a very discordant and unpleasant noise. When a carillon is in good working order, it can be used to create beautiful harmonies and note arrays in a variety of musical compositions.
Several universities offer carillon lessons, with the school’s bells serving as a practice and teaching tool. Some musicians also have their own portable carillon sets, which have a smaller range of octaves due to the difficulty of moving deep, heavy bells. Pollution and the elements, which can cause bells to go out of tune, are the greatest enemies of any carillon.