What is a Christian Curriculum?

A Christian curriculum is a prescribed course of educational studies that is centered on and based on Christian religious beliefs, according to a standard definition. It may define a set of courses or course offerings at a Christian school as a specific curriculum, and it is also made available for homeschooling by independent publishers. In many cases, a Christian curriculum includes basic educational concepts like math, literacy, science, and social studies, but it does so in a way that is religiously based.

The subject of science is perhaps the most significant difference between a Christian curriculum and a traditional course of study. A Christian curriculum frequently emphasizes science from a religious perspective, disputing evolution in favor of creation. Though Christian concepts, values, and beliefs are incorporated into other subjects as well, science is the most contentious subject for most parents, and it is often the sole reason they choose a Christian curriculum over public school.

A curriculum based on Christian beliefs will include Biblical references in nearly every subject. Bible study, which is usually classified as literature, may also be included in the curriculum. The other common thread that runs through all subjects is a Christ-centered approach to learning and living. Religious practices, such as prayer, are observed as part of the educational process in many Christian schools, though these observances may or may not be considered part of the overall curriculum.

Rather than being a single college course or a complete college major devoted to all religions, a Christian curriculum is a collection of subjects designed to teach students from a Christian perspective while still covering all areas of study. Christian-based curriculum publishers offer a variety of materials and lesson plans to support all subject areas. Some subjects, like math, can be provided by secular or traditional publishers while still fitting into a Christian curriculum.

Christian curriculum is popular homeschooling material due to a conflict of beliefs between some Christian households and public schools. Some homeschooling families choose to use a combination of secular and Christian publishers’ materials in their homeschool curriculum. Some Christian colleges use a prescribed course of subject materials for their course offerings and incorporate Christian beliefs into music theory, art, and other classes as part of their degree programs, in addition to pre-K through 12 curriculum.

The separation of church and state in public schools typically prohibits the use of curriculum based on a single religion, as well as religious practices. Elective courses on religious topics may be offered at the high school level, but they would be broad and cover a variety of religions and cultures.