What is a Curry Brush?

A curry brush or curry comb is a tool which is used to groom animals. There are a number of different curry comb designs, which are intended for specific purposes, but all of them share the trait of having teeth on the part of the comb which faces the animal. Curry brushes are extremely useful grooming tools for all sorts of animals, from cats to horses, and they are essential for long-haired animals.

When a curry comb is used, it is moved in firm but gentle circular motions. The teeth of the comb pull out dead hair and stimulate the skin, removing flakes of dead skin and encouraging healthy blood flow near the skin. Curry brushes also encourage the production of natural oils which keep hair healthy and clean. Regular use of a curry brush will keep an animal silky and glossy, and it will ultimately keep his or her skin cleaner and healthier as well. For long haired animals, curry combs help to eliminate tangles and snarls which can be uncomfortable, unsightly, and potentially unhealthy.

The gentlest form of a curry brush is made from rubber or a rubberized material. The rubber is highly flexible, allowing the comb to bend with the animal’s body. The teeth take the form of gentle rubber nubbins, which will slowly wear down over use. Rubber curry brushes are great for cats and dogs, and they are sometimes greatly appreciated by the animal, especially during shedding season.

More heavy duty curry brushes come with metal teeth and more rigid construction. Metal curry brushes have to be used with care, as they can hurt an animal; they should definitely not be used on tender bellies and faces, and pressure should be applied gently. A metal curry brush can also be useful for cleaning out other grooming tools; simply run a brush over the metal teeth to pull out hair, hay, and dirt.

Many pet and animal supply stores carry curry brushes. Heavier brushes are designed for use on horses and cattle, while more lightweight brushes are appropriate for furred house pets along with goats. A gentle curry brush can also be used on creatures like angora rabbits to pull out dead hair for the purpose of carding, combing, and spinning it. You may find that your animals greatly enjoy being curried, as the brush acts almost like a massager, easing tired muscles while removing heavy dead skin and hair.