What is a Debt for Nature Swap?

A debt for nature swap is an agreement between a national government and another entity, usually a non-profit group, that essentially requires the government to protect a certain amount of its natural resources in exchange for forgiveness of some percentage of its debt. Most of these sorts of arrangements involve developing nations, and usually only those with rich or rare resources. Tropical rainforests, endangered animals, and areas with diverse flora and fauna are some of the most common subjects; the arrangements can be structured in a couple of different ways, but there usually has to be something of value that makes the debt relief seem worthwhile. Most of these sorts of arrangements are structured by nature conservation groups or others with both vast resources and an interest in preserving some of the planet’s most scarce resources. When these agreements work, they can go a long way toward both improving the local economy and establishing defined nature reserves. There are often problems when it comes to enforcement, though, and it isn’t always clear how the money involved is actually going to be used over the long term.

Basic Idea

Many of the world’s most interesting and rich natural regions — rainforests, coral reefs, and bird sanctuaries, to name a few — fall, either in whole or part, within the borders of developing nations. It’s also frequently the case that many of these nations are deep in debt. Countries that are struggling to provide basic resources for their people aren’t always able to fund nature conservation. Even if conservation is a goal and something desired, it often takes a lot of money. It can also take sacrifice; land that to researchers is rich with rare species might also make good farmland, and no matter how rare rainforest trees are, they are on some level logs, and logs can build houses and other structures in poor communities.

The idea of streamlined debt for nature swaps first arose in the 1980s, and the concept is simple. An organization with money will buy out some or all of a country’s national debt, which usually brings almost immediate relief in terms of freeing up needed resources; in exchange, the country will commit to preserving an agreed-upon amount of land.

Why They’re Beneficial

Most swaps are structured with two overarching goals in mind: to minimize the negative effect debt has on developing nations; and to minimize the environmental destruction that those same developing nations frequently cause. The basic idea behind why these agreements work is that feeding money into countries in distress can motivate them to protect the resources they already have, and can also provide a means for the local economy to thrive without tapping those resources for more everyday uses.

Mechanics and Specifics

The specifics of how much money is exchanged and what, exactly, must be done with the land in question can vary a lot from agreement to agreement. The vast majority of swaps are organized by non-profit groups. The American-based World Wildlife Fund was the first group to successfully negotiate this sort of swap — with Bolivia, for a rainforest preserve — but many different groups with many different goals have followed. Some are very specific, while others are looser. In general, any sort of agreement that involves debt forgiveness in exchange for natural conservation can qualify as a debt for nature swap.

It’s rare that wealthier governments act as creditors in these sorts of arrangements, but this does sometimes happen. A nation that has a vested interest in another nation’s land use may find that leveraging debt forgiveness is the best way to achieve its goals. This is most common when the forgiving country is also a lender — which is to say, it’s actually owed money in the first place — but in some cases outside or third-party governments also get involved. Agreements in this category are often much more complicated to structure.

Common Pitfalls

Even the most straightforward swaps aren’t usually as simple as they might first appear, though. Enforcement is often really difficult, since conservancy groups and government backers aren’t always able to constantly patrol whether a government is actually doing all it said it would. Timing can also be an issue, particularly for preserves that are designed to last more or less forever. Establishing something like a protected swath of rainforest can be pretty easy to set up, but can be harder and harder to protect as time goes on, particularly if the nation continues falling deeper and deeper into debt.

There isn’t always a lot that the lenders or “swappers” can do when the conservation bargain isn’t fully upheld, either. Demanding the money back is usually futile, but neither is demanding fulfillment. Consequences for default are usually set out in the original document, but many groups have found that following through can be challenging.


These sorts of swaps have also earned some criticism when it comes to how they provide for poor or indigenous communities. While setting aside a certain amount of land as “government protected” might not seem like a big deal to leaders, it can often really impact the people who live on that land, live near that land, or depend on that land for things like food or other resources. These poorer and less advantaged people may not always see the larger global advantage of keeping some natural areas untouched.