What Is a Fan Trellis?

A fan trellis is a fan-shaped frame used to support outdoor plants. The base of the fan trellis consists of a simple stake or pair of stakes that can be inserted into the soil for support. As the trellis extends up from this stake, it fans outward to create a structure that’s much wider at the top than it is at the bottom. The trellis provides a convenient growing environment that allows users to artfully display a plant, and also serves as a decorative and attractive feature in its own right.

These trellis structures are often used with climbing plants, such as vines or rose bushes. The fan trellis gives these plants a place to grow other than along a wall or fence, which helps to prevent damage caused by the roots. The trellis is anchored both into the ground and against the wall or fence for support, but the plant itself is pruned so it only attaches itself to the trellis. This also allows the homeowner to move the plant later, as needed, without too much disturbance.

Manufacturers produce a wide range of wood trellis designs to meet the needs of different users. Wood serves as the traditional material for these structures, though some may consist of metal, fiberglass, or even vinyl. Some homeowners build their own trellis out of wood, with redwood and cedar among the more popular species.

A fan trellis provides both aesthetic and functional benefits to gardeners and homeowners. It helps climbing plants grow up and outward with ease, while protecting walls and fences from damage. By fanning out at the top, the trellis also helps to expose a larger area of the plant to sunlight, which may improve growth rates. These structures also serve as an effective way to cover a bare or damaged wall in the garden. A trellis can also serve as a privacy screen, or may simply serve as a decorative item year-round, whether or not plants are present.

Buyers can choose from many fan trellis shapes and sizes. These units may range from just a few feet in height to the height of a building. They come in both narrow and wide profiles to fit both large and small spaces. Wider units help to spread a plant out, making it easier to care for, while taller units keep climbing vines and other plants on display over a larger area.