What Is a Full-Ride Scholarship?

A full-ride scholarship is an academic award that covers all university costs, including tuition, fees, and other direct costs. Some also provide room and board stipends. Students may not require additional grants or loans if they receive such scholarships. Some scholarship programs will provide additional funding if they have documented financial need in excess of the scholarship award.

Scholarships like these are hard to come and extremely competitive. Some scholarships are given to outstanding incoming first-year and transfer students based on academic merit. The college or university may require a separate scholarship application, or it may automatically pool all eligible applicants for further review a scholarship committee. Students usually need a solid collection of extracurricular activities in addition to an excellent academic record to document their contributions to the community as well as their academic abilities.

Full-ride scholarship programs are occasionally available to students from extremely disadvantaged backgrounds who would otherwise be unable to attend college. Low-income students who meet additional criteria, such as being the first in their family to attend college or being a member of a minority group, are usually eligible for these scholarships. Aside from meeting these requirements, the student must also demonstrate academic promise. Because a disadvantaged background may mean a student has fewer opportunities for extracurricular activities or advanced classes while in high school, the program may be more forgiving of the student’s academic record.

Athletes who excel in sports may be eligible for a full-ride scholarship. Typically, a school’s athletic program distributes funds to each sport and allows coaches to decide how to divide them to help athletes financially. Students who participate in competitive sports while in school may have less time available for work, and such scholarships can help them stay in college and continue to play on their teams. Athletes with exceptional talent may be eligible for a full-ride scholarship, especially when schools compete for them.

A student who receives a full-ride scholarship is expected to meet certain requirements throughout her academic career. Academic dishonesty, poor grades, a decision to leave a sports team, or other changes in circumstances can result in the scholarship being revoked the school. The money will be given to another student who is in need of financial help. If the student believes the decision is unjust or she wants another chance to compete for the scholarship, she can usually appeal it.