What Is a Golf Tournament Fundraiser?

A golf tournament fundraiser is an event organized to raise funds for a non-profit organization or cause. The event takes the form of a golf tournament, in which participants will play a game of golf either as individuals or as teams to win prizes or recognition. Each participant will pay an entry fee to the golf tournament fundraiser, which will be used to cover the costs of the event and give money to the particular cause or organization for which the event is intended to benefit. Players must supply their own golf clubs, though golf carts may be complimentary.

The fees participants must pay to enter the golf tournament fundraiser can vary significantly depending on the organizer’s overhead costs and goals for raising money. Entrants may pay fees individually or as a team, depending on the way in which the golf tournament fundraiser is organized. Once fees are collected — a process that is usually done well ahead of time — the money can be used to first cover costs associated with booking a golf course, buying or renting all necessary equipment, and paying for any other incidental costs associated with the event. Whatever money is left over is considered profit and is given to the person, group, or entity for which the tournament was held.

The organizers will usually need to get the appropriate permits from a golf course in order to hold a golf tournament fundraiser. The golf course may offer a discounted rate for booking, or may even volunteer the course free of charge, depending on the relationship between the organizers and the golf course. Employees of the golf course must be on hand during the event to monitor players as well as any other issues that may arise; a golf pro usually needs to be on hand as well, in addition to a starter, who will dictate when golfers can begin playing the first holes of the course.

Non-profit organizations are not always the only groups to hold such fundraisers. Corporations or businesses may also hold a golf tournament fundraiser to raise funds for the business itself, for expansion, or for other specific projects the business wants to undertake. In some cases, the business or corporation may organize the golf tournament fundraiser as a benefit for another group such as a non-profit. This is a good opportunity to develop a community relationship and reputation while helping a cause in need of funding.