What is a Guest Book?

A guest book is a book designed for guests of events or special functions to sign. Typically, it has a hard cover and several pages inside. Each of these pages contains several lines on which guests can sign their names. In some cases, the book may also include a space for contact information or other pertinent information.
Before entering the viewing area at a funeral, guests will generally find a guest book located on a pedestal. It is typically opened to the area where it should be signed, and a pen is located nearby. A book may also be used at other functions, as well, including weddings, baby showers, anniversary celebrations, and birthday parties. Some resorts and other rental properties also include a book to be signed by those who rent the property.

The purpose of the guest book is to provide the host with a souvenir of the gathering. It also helps the host keep track of guests in order to send thank you notes for attending or simply as a reminder of who attended. This is particularly useful during a funeral, when the family is experiencing a great deal of grief and may not notice or remember all of the guests who come to share their condolences.

A guest book may also be found on a web site on the Internet. Here, it is designed as an area where visitors to the site can leave their name and possibly their contact information. It is helpful to the webmaster, because it helps him or her to keep track of the types of individuals visiting the site. It also provides visitors with a simple way to provide feedback, which can be helpful to the webmaster in making improvements to the web site.

Feedback left on a web site guest book is also helpful to a business owner. When other visitors to the site access the page, they can read the feedback left by previous clients and customers. If the feedback is positive, it can serve as an inexpensive and simple way to market the goods or services the business provides.