What is a Jewish Seminary?

A Jewish seminary is a type of school that focuses on the study of Judaism. Jewish seminary graduates frequently go on to become rabbis, cantors, or other types of professional religious leaders. Jewish seminaries are graduate programs with curricula ranging from Jewish history, art, literature, and theology to name a few.

Each of the four branches of Judaism has its own Jewish seminary around the world: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist. Because different branches have different traditions and forms of worship, students choose their seminaries based on their own backgrounds as well as the type of rabbinical work they want to do. Students must usually be college graduates to enroll in a Jewish seminary, though some schools may accept students with significant Jewish leadership experience. A bachelor’s degree in Jewish studies from a religious or secular institution is preferred, but not required.

The majority of seminary programs last four to six years. Students with no prior experience in Jewish studies may be required to complete a year of preparation before beginning their degree programs. Seminary programs frequently lead to master’s degrees in the arts. Doctoral degrees in Hebrew letters, as well as other specializations such as Semitic languages or Jewish medieval studies, are available to students. Because many seminary students are pursuing second careers or career changes, Jewish seminaries frequently provide part-time and distance-learning options.

Students can be ordained as rabbis or cantors after graduating from a Jewish seminary. Rabbis and cantors may become congregation leaders, but chaplains in hospitals, universities, and the military are also options. Some Jewish seminary graduates may go on to work for Jewish community agencies as community leaders or social service workers. Other seminary students may choose to work in the fields of education or academia.

A Jewish seminary education can be quite demanding. Most seminaries require students to complete internships and fieldwork, and a few schools require students to study in Jerusalem for a period of time. In-depth study of the Bible and the Torah, rabbinical literature, Jewish history, and theology are all part of Jewish seminary core programs. Semitic language study is usually required as well. Practical rabbinical training with coursework in counseling, pastoral psychology, public speaking, and community leadership is included in most programs. Students are taught how to lead congregations as well as traditional Jewish ceremonies like weddings and bar mitzvahs, as well as how to pray and lead prayer.