What is a Keratometer?

A keratometer is a specialized piece of equipment used in ophthalmology to measure the curvature of the cornea, which is the clear, dome-shaped layer that covers the front of the eye. It is an essential tool in determining the shape and power of contact lenses or the amount of astigmatism present in a patient’s eye. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of a keratometer, its mechanism, applications, and why it is crucial in diagnosing and treating various eye conditions.

The Cornea and its Importance in Vision

Before we dive into the details of a keratometer, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the cornea and its role in vision. The cornea is responsible for approximately 65 to 75% of the eye’s focusing power. It acts as a lens, refracting and bending incoming light rays towards the lens and retina to create a clear image. Any abnormalities in the curvature of the cornea can impact visual acuity and lead to refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.

Introduction to Keratometry

Keratometry is the measurement of the curvature of the cornea, specifically focusing on its anterior surface. The process involves determining the radius of curvature and the principal meridians of the cornea, which are the steepest and flattest meridians respectively. By measuring these parameters, ophthalmologists can determine the refractive power of the cornea. This information is crucial in diagnosing and managing various eye conditions, including cataracts, corneal abnormalities, and fitting contact lenses.

Principles of Keratometry

A keratometer works on a fundamental principle known as the reflection and refraction of light. The keratometer emits multiple focused light beams onto the cornea, which reflects back onto the device’s optical system. By analyzing the reflected light patterns, the instrument calculates and measures the corneal curvature.

Components of a Keratometer

A typical keratometer consists of a light source, optical system, and various controls to adjust and fine-tune the measurements. The key components include:

1. Light Source:

The keratometer utilizes a light source, usually a LED or a halogen lamp, to project focused light beams onto the cornea. The light source should produce consistent and reliable illumination for accurate measurements.

2. Optical System:

The optical system of a keratometer comprises lenses, mirrors, and prisms. It is responsible for capturing and analyzing the reflected light patterns from the cornea. The system magnifies and focuses these patterns onto a viewing target or image plane for further examination.

3. Controls:

Keratometers come with a set of controls to adjust the focus, magnification, and alignment of the instrument. These controls ensure that the measurements are precise, reliable, and consistent.

The Keratometry Procedure

The keratometry procedure is relatively straightforward and non-invasive. It involves the following steps:

1. Patient Preparation:

The patient is positioned comfortably in front of the keratometer, with the head properly aligned and stabilized. The ophthalmologist or optometrist ensures that the patient’s eyes are relaxed and properly anesthetized with eye drops if necessary.

2. Instrument Setup:

The ophthalmologist adjusts the instrument’s controls to ensure accurate measurements. This typically involves fine-tuning the alignment, adjusting magnification, and focusing the optical system.

3. Patient Fixation:

The patient is asked to fixate on a target or an image plane within the keratometer. Proper fixation helps in obtaining reliable and consistent measurements.

4. Measurement:

Once the patient is fixated, the ophthalmologist directs the focused light beams onto the cornea. The light is reflected back onto the device’s optical system, creating a pattern that represents the corneal curvature. The ophthalmologist carefully examines these patterns and locates the principal meridians and radius of curvature.

5. Reading and Calculation:

Using the information obtained from the reflected light patterns, the ophthalmologist reads the values representing the cornea’s curvature. These readings are typically expressed in diopters (D) and are used to determine the appropriate prescription for corrective lenses or other necessary treatments.

Applications of Keratometry

Keratometry plays a vital role in several aspects of eye care, including:

1. Refractive Surgeries:

Before performing refractive surgeries such as LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis), the ophthalmologist uses a keratometer to determine the corneal shape, thickness, and curvature. This information helps in planning the surgery and achieving the desired outcomes.

2. Contact Lens Fitting:

Keratometry is extensively used in fitting contact lenses, ensuring they align properly with the cornea. The measurements obtained from a keratometer guide the selection and customization of contact lenses, providing optimal visual acuity and comfort for the patient.

3. Astigmatism Assessment:

The accurate measurement of astigmatism is crucial in prescribing cylindrical corrective lenses. A keratometer allows the ophthalmologist to determine the power and axis of astigmatism, facilitating precise correction.

4. Diagnosing Corneal Abnormalities:

Keratometry is instrumental in diagnosing various corneal abnormalities such as keratoconus, a condition where the cornea becomes thin and bulges into a cone-like shape. By measuring the corneal curvature, ophthalmologists can identify such conditions and formulate appropriate treatment plans.

Advancements in Keratometry Technology

Over the years, keratometry technology has continually evolved to enhance accuracy, ease of use, and patient comfort. Some recent advancements include:

1. Automated Keratometers:

Traditional keratometers required manual adjustments and alignments, which could be time-consuming and prone to human error. Automated keratometers use motorized systems for precise focusing and alignment, improving efficiency and reliability.

2. Topography-Integrated Keratometers:

Topography-integrated keratometers combine the functions of a keratometer and a corneal topographer. These devices provide comprehensive corneal information, including curvature, elevation, and shape, all in one examination. This integration simplifies the diagnostic process and allows for a more holistic assessment of the cornea.

3. Handheld Keratometers:

Handheld keratometers offer portability and ease of use. These compact devices are particularly useful in remote or mobile clinics, enabling eye care professionals to deliver accurate measurements even in challenging environments.


A keratometer is an indispensable instrument in the field of ophthalmology. It enables precise measurement of the corneal curvature, aiding in the diagnosis of eye conditions and the fitting of contact lenses. Keratometry plays a critical role in determining the power of corrective lenses, assessing astigmatism, and planning for refractive surgeries. As technology advances, keratometers continue to evolve, providing more accurate and comprehensive information about the cornea. The ability to measure and understand the unique characteristics of each patient’s cornea allows eye care professionals to provide personalized and effective treatments, ultimately improving visual outcomes and enhancing quality of life.