What is a Lemon Juice Cleanse?

A lemon juice cleanse, sometimes referred to as a master cleanse, usually involves drinking a concoction made of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and water in order to remove toxins from the body. This remedy is also believed to help jump start a slow metabolism, which can aid in weight loss. Most users normally drink this formula several times a day for a period one week to 10 days.

The master cleanse was developed in the 1950s by a man named Stanley Burroughs. He first published this natural detox system in a book titled “The Master Cleanser” during this time. Although Mr. Burroughs passed away in 1991, the books continues to sell thousands of copies annually.

A basic cleanse recipe consists of two tablespoons (30 ml)lemon juice, two tablespoons (30 ml) maple syrup, 10 ounces (.28 kg) of water, and a dash of cayenne pepper. A person may be required to drink around eight ounces (.22 kg) of this liquid six to 12 times a day. This routine is normally performed for up to a week and a half, in most instances.

Choosing the right ingredients is an important part of the lemon juice cleanse. If possible, the juice should be freshly-squeezed from organically grown lemons. If these are not available, this liquid can sometimes be purchased at a health food store. Such a retailer might also carry grade-B maple syrup, which normally does not contain any additives. Water that does not have fluoride added to it can also be ideal for making this tonic.

During the cleansing regimen, a person might be more tired than usual. He may also suffer from headaches, hunger pains, and an increased need to defecate. These symptoms are normal and typically become more bearable after the third day of the lemon juice cleanse.

After completing the lemon juice cleanse, many people report having more energy and an increased metabolism. They might also lose weight during this time, but this can vary based upon the individual. Other times, this program has been reported to relieve muscle aches, allergies, and sinus trouble.

People who would like to lose a few extra pounds, remove toxins, or increase their energy levels might want to try a lemon juice cleanse. Many who attempt to do this detox find it difficult to complete, however. Sticking to this regimen can help ensure the maximum benefits are achieved for each individual. In general, this program is safe, but people considering it — particularly those with existing health conditions — should consult with a doctor before beginning any cleanse or fast.