What is a Mobile Blog?

A mobile blog is a type of blog that is written and submitted via a cellular telephone, internet-connected PDA or other connected portable device in most cases. The advantage of a mobile blog is that it gives the writer a chance to record his or her thoughts immediately, instead of waiting until there is access to a computer, when things can be forgotten. As cell phones, and especially smartphones, have gotten easier to use, this type of phone blogging has become more popular.

One of the other factors that has contributed to the popularity of a mobile blog is the fact that many phones now come equipped with digital cameras. Most of these cameras can take fairly decent pictures, some as high as two or three megapixels, which can be ideal for a photo displayed on a computer monitor. Thus, a mobile blog can not only include text, but a picture as well, which will add to the overall interest of the piece. Anything that sets a blog apart, such as a photo, can be a very useful tool.

A cell phone blog is mobile blogging that specifically uses a cell phone in order to convey the information. In most cases, any type of mobile blog may be referred to as a phone blog. However, this is considered an informal term, as a phone may not be used at all in this type of blogging. Technically speaking, a mobile blog may even be used to describe a blog submitted from a notebook computer.

The popularity of smartphones have only made the writing of a mobile blog easier. These phones often have full keyboards laid out in a fashion similar to a computer keyboard. While writing on them can be somewhat cumbersome, it is certainly easier than typing out words on a traditional phone keypad layout. These smartphones also have the capability of connecting to the internet, as most people using them will opt for internet service on them, which can make filing a mobile blog even easier.

The mobile blog is based on the same principle as the short message service (SMS), only expanded a little bit to include longer pieces, and additional media, such as photos. The blogs may be readable on other phones or may be available, in some cases, for review on computers. It should be noted that many mobile phones may not support traditional online blogging software programs. Therefore, a specialized program may be necessary.