What is a Money Shot?

When reading a script, many Hollywood filmmakers look for the most dramatic or climactic scene in the proposed film. Regardless of the costs or technical challenges of filming such a spectacular scene, producers and directors will go to any length to complete it. This climactic scene is often referred to as a money shot because of its box office importance and costly set-up. A money shot, on the other hand, isn’t always the final scene of a film. A money shot is the first appearance of a movie monster, or the first glimpse of a Russian submarine or a doomed luxury liner, because it’s the one scene that audiences will pay money to see.

The term money shot, on the other hand, has its origins in a different type of film industry. Male performers in the adult entertainment industry are frequently asked to provide filmic proof of the scene’s authenticity. To fulfill this particular obligation, some actors even abstain from sexual activity for several days. To put it another way, the “money shot” of a typical adult film leaves little doubt in the minds of the audience that a real sexual act has occurred.

This unfortunate piece of jargon has been successfully co-opted legitimate movie production companies to represent a very different type of shot. A money shot can be one of the most expensive scenes to shoot, or it can be a crucial or pivotal scene that must meet the expectations of the audience. A dramatic confrontation between the heroic Harry Potter and his nemesis Lord Voldemort, for example, would be considered a money shot in the Harry Potter movie series, because fans of the book series would be disappointed if that scene lacked enough action or strong visual effects. The money shot of any film is the one that audiences talk about on their way out of the theater and would recommend to other people.

In a two- or three-hour film, it’s not uncommon for modern directors and producers to include several money shots. The sheer size and cost of a money shot can sometimes necessitate drastic budget cuts in other areas. This is why only a few A-list actors appear in many action/adventure films and epic science fiction films. The money that would have gone toward a well-known actor’s salary is instead used to cover the cost of the film’s pivotal money shot. Filmmakers can usually afford to set up and execute an elaborate “money shot” or two working with an unknown cast or limiting expensive location shoots. Because a director may only have one chance to get the shot right, a significant amount of time and money is required to ensure that all of the preparation work is completed correctly and the shot goes off without a hitch.